Results for 'Abigail Lynn Coykendall'

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  1. Epistemological communities.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 1992 - In Linda Alcoff & Elizabeth Potter, Feminist Epistemologies. New York: Routledge.
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    Multiple memory systems: What and why, an update.Lynn Nadel - 1994 - In D. Schacter & E. Tulving, Memory Systems. MIT Press. pp. 1994--39.
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    Educating flexible souls.Lynn Fendler - 2001 - In Kenneth Hultqvist & Gunilla Dahlberg, Governing the Child in the New Millennium. Routledge. pp. 119--142.
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  4. Against Deliberation.Lynn M. Sanders - 1997 - Political Theory 25 (3):347-376.
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    A Meta-Analysis of Ethics Instruction Effectiveness in the Sciences.Lynn D. Devenport, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Michael D. Mumford, Ethan P. Waples, Alison L. Antes & Stephen T. Murphy - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (5):379-402.
    Scholars have proposed a number of courses and programs intended to improve the ethical behavior of scientists in an attempt to maintain the integrity of the scientific enterprise. In the present study, we conducted a quantitative meta-analysis based on 26 previous ethics program evaluation efforts, and the results showed that the overall effectiveness of ethics instruction was modest. The effects of ethics instruction, however, were related to a number of instructional program factors, such as course content and delivery methods, in (...)
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  6. The zone of parental discretion: An ethical tool for dealing with disagreement between parents and doctors about medical treatment for a child.Lynn Gillam - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (1):1-8.
    Dealing with situations where parents’ views about treatment for their child are strongly opposed to doctors’ views is one major area of ethical challenge in paediatric health care. The traditional approach focuses on the child’s best interests, but this is problematic for a number of reasons. The Harm Principle test is regarded by many ethicists as more appropriate than the best interests test. Despite this, use of the best interests test for intervening in parental decisions is still very common in (...)
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    Changing Perspectives–Changing Paradigms: Demand management strategies and innovative solutions for a sustainable Okanagan water future.Oliver M. Brandes, Lynn Kriwoken, Water Conservation & Watershed Governance - forthcoming - Polis.
  8.  40
    What Is Life?Lynn Margulis & Dorion Sagan - 2000 - Univ of California Press.
    Transcending the various formal concepts of life, this captivating book offers a unique overview of life's history, essences, and future. "A masterpiece of scientific writing. You will cherish "What Is Life?" because it is so rich in poetry and science in the service of profound philosophical questions".--Mitchell Thomashow, "Orion". 9 photos. 11 line illustrations.
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    Gene Therapy in the Post-Gelsinger Era.Lynn Smith & Jacqueline Fowler Byers - 2002 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 4 (4):104-110.
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    Moral Thinking in Management.Lynn Sharp Paine - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (4):477-492.
    This paper argues that moral thinking is an essential management capability which strengthens organizations and contributes to theirperformance in the marketplace. The paper explains what moral thinking is, and addresses the most common reasons for considering it inappropriate or irrelevant to managerial practice. The argument provides a compelling rationale for the corporate ethics initiatives undertaken in recent years.
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    Does Ethics Pay?Lynn Sharp Paine - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):319-330.
    The relationship between ethics and economics has never been easy. Opponents in a tug of war, friends in a warm embrace, ships passing in the night—the relationship has been highly variable. In recent years, the friendship model has been gaining credence, particularly among U.S. corporate executives. Increasingly, companies are launching ethics programs, values initiatives, and community involvement activities premised on management’s belief that “Ethics pays.”.
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    Binding, spatial attention and perceptual awareness.Lynn C. Robertson - 2003 - Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4 (2):93-102.
  13.  41
    Toward interventions to address moral distress.Lynn C. Musto, Patricia A. Rodney & Rebecca Vanderheide - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):91-102.
    Background: The concept of moral distress has been the subject of nursing research for the past 30 years. Recently, there has been a call to move from developing an understanding of the concept to developing interventions to help ameliorate the experience. At the same time, the use of the term moral distress has been critiqued for a lack of clarity about the concepts that underpin the experience. Discussion: Some researchers suggest that a closer examination of how socio-political structures influence healthcare (...)
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    Consumerism and the Rise of Balloons in Europe at the End of the Eighteenth Century.Michael R. Lynn - 2008 - Science in Context 21 (1):73-98.
    ArgumentThe history of ballooning has received considerable attention from historians examining the technological innovations behind it as well as from scholars interested in aeronautical anecdotes concerning launches and disasters. The cultural importance of this new machine, however, remains less fully analyzed. This essay explores one facet of that history through a discussion of the commodification of launches in France and Great Britain. These two countries, which have larger middling classes as well as a higher degree of commercialization in general, provided (...)
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  15. A Question of Evidence.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (2):172 - 189.
    I outline a pragmatic account of evidence, arguing that it allows us to underwrite two implications of feminist scholarship: that knowledge is socially constructed and constrained by evidence, and that social relations, including gender, race, and class, are epistemologically significant. What makes the account promising is that it abandons any pretense of a view from nowhere, the view of evidence as something only individuals gather or have, and the view that individual theories face experience in isolation.
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  16. Roles and functions of institutional ethics committees: the President's Commission's view.Joanne Lynn - 1984 - In Ronald E. Cranford & A. Edward Doudera, Institutional ethics committees and health care decision making. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Health Administration Press. pp. 85--95.
  17.  62
    Feminist Philosophy of Science.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 2002 - In Peter K. Machamer & Michael Silberstein, The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 312–331.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Highlights of Past Literature Current Work Future Work.
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  18. The Corporation's Evolving Personality.Lynn Sharp Paine - 2006 - In Xiaohe Lu & Georges Enderle, Developing business ethics in China. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    KT and S4 Satisfiability in a Constraint Logic Environment.Lynn Stevenson, Katarina Britz & Tertia Hörne - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou, PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 370--381.
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  20. Voi.Lynn Waddell - 1997 - In Jay Black, Mixed news: the public/civic/communitarian journalism debate. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. pp. 94.
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    The Ethics of Altruism in Clinical Research.Lynn A. Jansen - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (4):26-36.
    If people sometimes participate in research because of altruism—because they want to help in the search for treatments—should we revise our views about what kinds of experiments are ethical? If participants act out of altruism, we might let them accept greater risks than we would if they are motivated only by a desire for personal gain. But how can we know when participants are genuinely altruistic?
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    The Weight I Just Can’t Lose.Shelley Lynn Meyers - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (2):4-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Weight I Just Can’t LoseShelley Lynn MeyersI have always been a “fat person”. According to the medical definition though, I have not always been obese. I have spent most of my life on a journey from chubby to obese, finally ending at my current “overweight” status. After years of struggling with obesity I had gastric bypass surgery, finally losing enough weight to be “normal.” However, regardless of (...)
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    Moral Credentialing and the Rationalization of Misconduct.Lynn D. Devenport, Shane Connelly, Michael D. Mumford, Collin D. Barnes, Xiaoqian Wang, Michael Tamborski & Ryan P. Brown - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (1):1-12.
    Recent studies lead to the paradoxical conclusion that the act of affirming one's egalitarian or prosocial values and virtues might subsequently facilitate prejudiced or self-serving behavior, an effect previously referred to as ?moral credentialing.? The present study extends this paradox to the domain of academic misconduct and investigates the hypothesis that such an effect might be limited by the extent to which misbehavior is rationalizable. Using a paradigm designed to investigate deliberative and rationalized forms of cheating (von Hippel, Lakin, & (...)
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    Stress-induced recovery of fears and phobias.W. J. Jacobs & Lynn Nadel - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (4):512-531.
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    The Classic of Changes: A New Translation of the I Ching as Interpreted by Wang Bi.Richard John Lynn (ed.) - 1994 - Columbia University Press.
    The first new translation of this work to appear in more than twenty-five years, the Columbia I Ching presents the classic book of changes for the world of today.
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  26. Proportionality, terminal suffering and the restorative goals of medicine.Lynn A. Jansen & Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (4-5):321-337.
    Recent years have witnessed a growing concern that terminally illpatients are needlessly suffering in the dying process. This has ledto demands that physicians become more attentive in the assessment ofsuffering and that they treat their patients as `whole persons.'' Forthe most part, these demands have not fallen on deaf ears. It is nowwidely accepted that the relief of suffering is one of the fundamentalgoals of medicine. Without question this is a positive development.However, while the importance of treating suffering has generally (...)
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    Fetal Relationality in Feminist Philosophy: An Anthropological Critique.Lynn M. Morgan - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (3):47 - 70.
    This essay critiques feminist treatments of maternal-fetal "relationality" that unwittingly replicate features of Western individualism (for example, the Cartesian division between the asocial body and the social-cognitive person, or the conflation of social and biological birth). I argue for a more reflexive perspective on relationality that would acknowledge how we produce persons through our actions and rhetoric. Personhood and relationality can be better analyzed as dynamic, negotiated qualities realized through social practice.
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    Dysgenic fertility for criminal behaviour.Richard Lynn - 1995 - Journal of Biosocial Science 27 (4):405-408.
    SummaryA sample of 104 British parents with criminal convictions had an average fertility of 3·91 children as compared with 2·21 for the general population. The result suggests that fertility for criminal behaviour is dysgenic involving an increase in the genes underlying criminal behaviour in the population.
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    Paternalism and fairness in clinical research.Lynn A. Jansen & Steven Wall - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (3):172-182.
    In this paper, we defend the ethics of clinical research against the charge of paternalism. We do so not by denying that the ethics of clinical research is paternalistic, but rather by defending the legitimacy of paternalism in this context. Our aim is not to defend any particular set of paternalistic restrictions, but rather to make a general case for the permissibility of paternalistic restrictions in this context. Specifically, we argue that there is no basic liberty-right to participate in clinical (...)
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    Broadening and Deepening the Impact: A Theoretical Framework for Partnerships between Science Museums and STEM Research Centres.Carol Lynn Alpert - 2009 - Social Epistemology 23 (3):267-281.
    The requirement by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that research proposals include plans for “broader impact” activities to foster connections between Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) research and service to society has been controversial since it was first introduced. A chief complaint is that the requirement diverts time and resources from the focus of research and toward activities for which researchers may not be well prepared. This paper describes the theoretical framework underlying a new strategy to pair NSF-funded nano (...)
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    Identity Excellence: A Theory of Moral Expertise for Higher Education.Perry Lynn Glanzer - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    While pursuing agreement in a pluralistic society, American higher education has reduced the human identities necessary for the moral formation it inherently provides. Consequently, it fails to supply moral expertise for living the good life. Identity Excellence addresses this problem by proposing an interdisciplinary theory of identity excellence.
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  32. The rights of children involved in research.Rosa Lynn Pinkus & Stephen J. Haines - 1981 - In Marc D. Hiller, Medical ethics and the law: implications for public policy. Cambridge: Ballinger Pub. Co..
  33. The Very Idea of Feminist Epistemology.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (3):31 - 49.
    The juxtaposition encompassed in the phrase "feminist epistemology" strikes some feminist theorists and mainstream epistemologists as incongruous. To others, the phrase signals the view that epistemology and the philosophy of science are not what some of their practitioners and advocates have wanted or claimed them to be-but also are not "dead," as some of their critics proclaim. This essay explores the grounds for and implications of each view and recommends the second.
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  34. A feminist naturalized philosophy of science.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 1995 - Synthese 104 (3):399 - 421.
    Building on developments in feminist science scholarship and the philosophy of science, I advocate two methodological principles as elements of a naturalized philosophy of science. One principle incorporates a holistic account of evidence inclusive of claims and theories informed by and/or expressive of politics and non-constitutive values; the second takes communities, rather than individual scientists, to be the primary loci of scientific knowledge. I use case studies to demonstrate that these methodological principles satisfy three criteria for naturalization accepted in naturalized (...)
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    Assessing clinical pragmatism.Lynn A. Jansen - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (1):23-36.
    : "Clinical pragmatism" is an important new method of moral problem solving in clinical practice. This method draws on the pragmatic philosophy of John Dewey and recommends an experimental approach to solving moral problems in clinical practice. Although the method may shed some light on how clinicians and their patients ought to interact when moral problems are at hand, it nonetheless is deficient in a number of respects. Clinical pragmatism fails to explain adequately how moral problems can be solved experimentally, (...)
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  36. Trade secrets and the justification of intellectual property: A comment on Hettinger.Lynn Sharp Paine - 1991 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 20 (3):247-263.
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    Indiscernibles, EM-Types, and Ramsey Classes of Trees.Lynn Scow - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (3):429-447.
    The author has previously shown that for a certain class of structures $\mathcal {I}$, $\mathcal {I}$-indexed indiscernible sets have the modeling property just in case the age of $\mathcal {I}$ is a Ramsey class. We expand this known class of structures from ordered structures in a finite relational language to ordered, locally finite structures which isolate quantifier-free types by way of quantifier-free formulas. This result is applied to give new proofs that certain classes of trees are Ramsey. To aid this (...)
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    Security, Extremism and Education: Safeguarding or Surveillance?Lynn Davies - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (1):1-19.
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    Arguing by Analogy in the Fetal Tissue Debate.Lynn Gillam - 1997 - Bioethics 11 (5):397-412.
    In the debate over fetal tissue use, an analogy is often drawn between removing organs from the body of a person who has been murdered to use for transplantation, and collecting tissue from an aborted fetus to use for the same purpose. The murder victim analogy is taken by its proponents to show that even if abortion is the moral equivalent of murder, there is still no good reason to refrain from using the fetal tissue, since as a society we (...)
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    Mind control? Creating illusory intentions through a phony brain–computer interface.Margaret T. Lynn, Christopher C. Berger, Travis A. Riddle & Ezequiel Morsella - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1007-1012.
    Can one be fooled into believing that one intended an action that one in fact did not intend? Past experimental paradigms have demonstrated that participants, when provided with false perceptual feedback about their actions, can be fooled into misperceiving the nature of their intended motor act. However, because veridical proprioceptive/perceptual feedback limits the extent to which participants can be fooled, few studies have been able to answer our question and induce the illusion to intend. In a novel paradigm addressing this (...)
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    Working memory won't work.Lynn Nadel - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):338-339.
  42. Exposure to Unethical Career Events: Effects on Decision Making, Climate, and Socialization.Lynn D. Devenport, Ryan P. Brown, Stephen T. Murphy, Alison L. Antes, Ethan P. Waples, Michael D. Mumford & Shane Connelly - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (5):351-378.
    An implicit goal of many interventions intended to enhance integrity is to minimize peoples' exposure to unethical events. The intent of the present effort was to examine if exposure to unethical practices in the course of one's work is related to ethical decision making. Accordingly, 248 doctoral students in the biological, health, and social sciences were asked to complete a field appropriate measure of ethical decision making. In addition, they were asked to complete measures examining the perceived acceptability of unethical (...)
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    Hastening death and the boundaries of the self.Lynn A. Jansen - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (2):105–111.
    ABSTRACT When applying moral principles to concrete cases, we assume a background shared understanding of the boundaries of the persons to whom the principles apply. In most contexts, this assumption is unproblematic. However, in end‐of‐life contexts, when patients are receiving ‘artificial’ life‐support, judgments about where a person's self begins and ends can become controversial. To illustrate this possibility, this paper presents a case in which a decision must be made whether to deactivate a patient's pacemaker as a means to hasten (...)
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  44. The work of biological individuality: concepts and contexts.Scott Lidgard & Lynn K. Nyhart - 2017 - In Scott Lidgard & Lynn K. Nyhart, Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    The role of emotions in health professional ethics teaching.Lynn Gillam, Clare Delany, Marilys Guillemin & Sally Warmington - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):331-335.
    In this paper, we put forward the view that emotions have a legitimate and important role in health professional ethics education. This paper draws upon our experience of running a narrative ethics education programme for ethics educators from a range of healthcare disciplines. It describes the way in which emotions may be elicited in narrative ethics teaching and considers the appropriate role of emotions in ethics education for health professionals. We argue there is a need for a pedagogical framework to (...)
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    Are the Patients Who Become Organ Donors under the Pittsburgh Protocol for "Non-Heart-Beating Donors" Really Dead?Joanne Lynn - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):167-178.
    The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) "Policy for the Management of Terminally Ill Patients Who May Become Organ Donors after Death" proposes to take organs from certain patients as soon as possible after expected cardiopulmonary death. This policy requires clear understanding of the descriptive state of the donor's critical cardiopulmonary and neurologic functional capacity at the time interventions to sustain or harvest organs are undertaken. It also requires strong consensus about the moral and legal status of the donor during (...)
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    Ethical Reasoning in Baccalaureate Nursing Students.Lynn Clark Callister, Karlen E. Luthy, Pam Thompson & Rae Jeanne Memmott - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (4):499-510.
    Nurses are encountering an increasing number of ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. Ethics courses for baccalaureate nursing students provide the opportunity for the development of critical thinking skills in order to deal with these effectively. The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study was to describe ethical reasoning in 70 baccalaureate nursing students enrolled in a nursing ethics course. Reflective clinical journals were analyzed as appropriate for qualitative inquiry. The overriding theme emerging from the data was `in the process of becoming', (...)
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    Some thoughts on the proper foundations for the study of cognition in animals.Lynn Nadel - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):383-384.
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    Unrealistic optimism in early-phase oncology trials.Lynn A. Jansen, Paul S. Appelbaum, William Mp Klein, Neil D. Weinstein, William Cook, Jessica S. Fogel & Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2011 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 33 (1):1.
    Unrealistic optimism is a bias that leads people to believe, with respect to a specific event or hazard, that they are more likely to experience positive outcomes and/or less likely to experience negative outcomes than similar others. The phenomenon has been seen in a range of health-related contexts—including when prospective participants are presented with the risks and benefits of participating in a clinical trial. In order to test for the prevalence of unrealistic optimism among participants of early-phase oncology trials, we (...)
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    Structures of care in the Iliad.M. Lynn-George - 1996 - Classical Quarterly 46 (01):1-.
    When Andromache emerges from the inner chamber in Book 22, ascends the walls of Troy and looks out over the plain, she beholds a spectacle of ruthless brutality. She who has not been aware of the final combat, nor of the slaying of her husband, is suddenly confronted by the receding trail of utter defeat. Swift horses drag her husband's corpse into the distance, the cherished head disfigured as it is dragged, raking the dust of what was once their homeland. (...)
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